A Detailed Manual On Writing A Purpose Statement For A Research Paper

This is a short and encouraging guide for senior college and university level students to use with regard to developing their research papers for whichever specific specialization, dissertation assignment, or project they have been tasked with. The deal, if you will, is that students can make assertive proposals with the inclusion of an erudite purpose statement in their body of work. It has been proposed that a detailed manual be developed for both serious students and their fellow academics.

In such a short space and time, no such manual can be provided here. Fortunately, all readers are already in a good position to utilize their own best practices where the examination is concerned about sourcing the best and most credible guides, all extensive, from the internet. Not to be outdone are the creative writing and academic genres and literary writing catalogs from those ancient storage facilities otherwise known as libraries.

And furthermore, this short guide provides a short introduction to the principles and methodologies of the purpose statement for research papers and other sources of literature and online and published material. In essence, the purpose statement is a declaration, usually in one sentence, which summarizes or proposes the subject under discussion. Such a statement will always be included in the paper’s introduction.

Initially, these statements, under preparation, can be rough notes, essay drafts, and/or planning paper boards. As a thinking tool, it is a draft document which will evolve into the final flourish indicated in the above paragraph. It can also be an open declaration for others reading the document of what the writer, academic or literary agent, wishes to do with his or her body of study material, going forward. Interestingly, similar purposes are at work on commercial levels.

The only difference being that the title of the statement is jargonized and differs (only in wording) from the academic or literary statement. Popular corporate sentiment usually refers to a mission, vision and values statement, but with little or nothing being said about creativity and innovation. Finally, the purpose statement can be broken down into three categories; namely a motivation, its significance and the proposed research questions under review.
This short introductory guide has given students a coherent understanding of what the purpose statement entails and hinted how it can be used (creatively, independently, and innovatively) wide of the formal, final paper.

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